
Git Truck 🚛 · GitHub license Git Truck on NPM

Git Truck is a tool that provides you with a truckload of visualizations of your git repository.

With Git Truck you can:

Where has the most work been done recently? Who worked on different subsystems in the past?

You can read more about the features in the feature overview, in papers about Git Truck, or just try it and start exploring your projects!

Get started

  1. In your terminal, navigate to a git repository or a folder containing several repositories

  2. Run the command npx -y git-truck

  3. The application will now open in your default browser. Happy trucking!

[!NOTE] To use Git Truck, you will need to have the following programs installed:

Check your installed versions using node --version, npm --version and git --version.

What makes Git Truck different?

🔒 Private by design

🏝️ Works offline

🤷 Git provider agnostic - works with any git repository

😊 No tracking, no ads, no cloud, no servers, no subscription